WelCOME to the site that aims to unite people with a passion for vintage racing bikes.

Everything on this site is easy to find when you click on SEARCH.
Regularly you will find new and updated information about vintage racing bicycles (fully assembled, frame and fork, children's race-bicycles, tandem race-bicycles, parts, tools,…). As you can see, a wide range of information, a first characteristic of this site.
As far as time period is concerned, we limit ourselves, from 1920 to 1991. Our preference goes to items you cannot find in multiples on other sites. It may be something more, something special, something with a touch of glamour.

We are not professionals, neither in the field of web design nor in the field of racing bikes. Nevertheless, we want to develop a site that is as correct as possible, correct in terms of data but also correct in terms of feedback and exchange towards each other. This is immediately the second and third characteristic of this site, correctness and positive attitude. Always willing to adjust, based on solid substantiated feedback.
This is certainly not a site for buying or selling. It's made to share knowledge with eachother. This is also the fourth characteristic, to aim for database based on solid information to consult at any time and not a fugitive succesion of reactions.

Under Visitors bikes, Vintage parts and Vintage Tools you can add your own vintage item or racing bike. For the latter we offer a schedule to describe the bike in all its glory and as accurate as possible.
For an immediate access for your request click HERE.
We hope you enjoy this virtual meeting and look forward to your input. Together we can develop a well-founded Flemish knowledge base about the vintage racing bicycle world.

All material posted to dcisite is either original content or otherwise derived from previously published sources. We respect the rights of copyrighted content and make every effort to present only that material which we believe to be in the public domain or for which we have obtained the express written permission from the legitimate copyright holder. If you believe that we have content on our website that is in breach of copyright law, please do not hesitate to contact us.
DCI Steel Bikes team
2020, December, België